Friday, January 29, 2016

Cultural Heritage (Diversity Week)

This week we are celebrating the many different cultures we have at our school. Today student wore traditional clothing and brought in traditional foods. They also spoke on thier different cultures and brought in different items to share.

Future Paleontologists

Today we went "digging" for fossils and made our own casts and molds. It's amazing what you can do with play-dough, shells, Vaseline, liquid glue, plaster, random gems, small animals and bugs :) The kids had a great time and I really enjoyed watching them discuss and discover today!!! #scienceshouldbefun 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Check Out Our Symbaloo Account

Fossil Discoveries

We looked at many different types of fossils and discussed their similarities and differences with our group...they LOVED it!!! Stay tuned for our pictures of the fossils we are digging for and the ones we make. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Great Mail Race

We received a letter from a school in Longmeadow, Massachusetts. Inside the letter was a questionnaire that another 3rd grade student filled out with information about the city, state and school he was from. There was a blank questionnaire that we were to fill out and send back to his school. This was such a fun experience for us. The kids were able to learn about another school and how it is alike and different from Bright Star. Hopefully we are able to continue this project and learn about other 3rd grade classes in the United States.

Comparing Fractions

Comparing fractions with different denominators. The larger the denominator the smaller the piece.